Our Ministries
Women's Ministry (Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month)
President: Connie Gibson
Vice President: Tina Perry
Secretary: Dayna Sellner
Treasurer: Delores Roperr
The Women's Ministry department is a vital entity of Victory Gospel Church. Their ministry reaches out in the church family their families, the community, and beyond, in so many ways. When there is a sickness or bereavement, the women cook, serve, and provide whatever service they can to comfort those in need.
Meals for all church events are also planned by the Women's Ministry. These events include Victory Gospels Church's Annual Homecoming, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and every monthly meeting. They meet the third Tuesday of each month to continually reach out to do God's will.
They Support the church not only by ministry, but also by raising funds and deciding how best to spend these funds within the Women's Ministry. Many times extra items needed by the church have been purchased by the Women's Ministry, and this ministry has been there to meet the needs of the pastor. Their funds are raised by doing many activities such as yard sales, dinners, music events, selling candy, etc... The women are always busy about the Lord's work.
Benevolence Ministry
Coordinator: Delores Roper
The Benevolence Ministry is funded with a 10% tithe from the church, as well as other donations. This ministry helps those in need in our community. It also provides help to those within the church family with food, utilities, gas and other immediate needs that may arise. Any amount over $100 must be approved by the Pastor and the Church Deacon Board. The Lord has truly blessed in this ministry and many have been helped over the years.
Food Pantry
Coordinator: Viola Taylor
Coordinator: Frances Vassey
The Food Pantry Ministry stocks non-perishable foods for those in need. This ministry also provides the food and prepares baskets complete with all the trimmings for both Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. Many families within our community have received help over many years. Donations are provided by many in the form of non-perishable food, as well as monetary donations. The money donated is used to purchase meats, milk, bread, etc.. as needed when someone is in need. Praise the Lord for his many blessings.
Children's and Youth Ministry
Coordinators: Connie Gibson, Shelly Cumberland, Kevin Perry
The Children's Ministry at Victory Gospel Church is a tremendous blessing to all. The leaders in this ministry provide sound teaching of God's Word and wonderful Christian Music. The children share their needs during prayer time and realize that God can meet their needs and concerns. The Children's Ministry encourages each child to participate in programs for special church occasions. A few of these are Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, etc. They also sing for the congregation once a month. Many children and their families have been blessed through this ministry. The children are the church of the future. May the Lord continue to bless you as the children are encouraged to do God's work through this ministry.
Youth Activities
Our youth activities promote our values and help build lifelong friendships.
Baby Nursery Available during Sunday Service 10:45am
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday School is also being held for children of all ages during the 10:45am service.
1st Sunday of the month children sing during the church service.
If your child would like to be water baptized, please contact Pastor James Bowers. May we strive to walk in the way of the Lord.
If God has called you to work with children, please see Sis Rose Humphries or Sis. Linda Bowers. Praise the Lord for those that are teaching now and have followed the call of God on their lives. Thank you for your obedience.